
Have a story you want to share? Contact me at

  • The Poor in Spirit are Blessed

    This morning, six of us (3 women and 3 men) gathered in our den to connect and discuss God and life. Jo expounded on the question, “What would Jesus do?,” suggesting that a better question would be, “What would Jesus do if he were me, living in today’s culture and facing today’s social and political… Read more

  • Poem in Response to Post of 10/8/24
    by Kelly McClane

    For Michael October 8, 2024 Izzy wants me to sing “Fly Eagle Fly” I think of you And as usually happens when I sing this lullaby I recall images of so many of us flapping our arms like birds and “flying” around the sanctuary; As if this was the meaning of freedom, Well, it was… Read more

  • Invitation to JOY
    by Sarah

    I invite you, JOY, into my life, to wrap around my head and seep into my heart. Please help me end looking over my shoulder and waiting to hear the next shoe drop. Please come cheer me and bear me in your buoyant arms. Allow creativity and new venues to come forth in my life.… Read more

  • What Does Your Heart Tell You?

    I got the idea for this post in May while sitting up in bed at McKenzie/Willamette Hospital. I was thinking about what story to share with you all and remembered a poem I really like written by Thomas Merton called Thoughts in Solitude.  My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I… Read more

  • God is Love

    Since we got settled in Eugene, Sarah and I have been blessed with the company of  a few adults in their 20’s and 30’s. We get together and talk about our lives, deep things of the heart, and our personal growth and pursuit of Truth. Our last meeting inspired me to write this and I’d… Read more

  • Facing the Fire
    by Sarah

    Friday Michael lit a candle to thank God for FIRE, one of His agents of change. It can burn off fetters, equip apostles at Pentecost, and stir up change. Fire is also an essence of heat and light behind the force of creation.  A few hours later fevers came. Again. He says, “maybe the candle… Read more

  • Journey Back Home

    A year ago I was in PeaceHealth Hospital fighting for my life. I remember the sad faces of the doctors and nurses as they were forced to accept that they had done all they could and sent me home to die in hospice. And I did almost die a month later, but then things began… Read more