Invitation to JOY
by Sarah

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I invite you, JOY, into my life, to wrap around my head and seep into my heart.

Please help me end looking over my shoulder and waiting to hear the next shoe drop.

Please come cheer me and bear me in your buoyant arms.

Allow creativity and new venues to come forth in my life.

I don’t want to be afraid of the East–the sunrise or a new day and the many possibilities of life that can open.

Help me end the holding back from living because of a reaction in the past. Help me not close up shop because it seems the logical thing to do.

Don’t let me miss going down swinging, putting up a fight. Valhalla comes when you die fighting. Valhalla is a state of mind, free from fear and worry.

When the time is come for a good sunset let me enjoy that too with you as my guide. I just know now I am alive and life is to be lived today.

8 responses to “Invitation to JOY
by Sarah

  1. Gayle

    Thank you, Sarah❤️
    I needed that!

    1. Sue Volande

      So beautiful!

  2. Linda

    Amen. ♥️

  3. Linda Fleischer

    This is beautiful Sarah….I understand totally about waiting for the next shoe to drop but life does go on and so does the knowledge that we are not alone and I do find comfort in that!

  4. Colleen

    Very beautiful Sarah
    Before I read this, I posted a comment on your health update, and said may you find Joy in the present, and you said you are inviting Joy in. I see joy and love embracing you.

    1. Sarah M

      So Cool!
      Today I am feeling this joy driving me forward and creating a future!

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